Monday, October 3, 2011

Rough Morning

A rough morning...

After I kissed Mike goodbye for work, I let the dogs out to do their business but they did not come back when called. I thought, okay...maybe they'll come back while I'm getting ready for work. I looked at the clock, it said 6:30...this meant I had to leave the house now if I wanted to get to work on time. At this point, I'm ready to leave and the dogs are still not back!

Myst ends up showing up but no Finnley. I give Myst his bowl of food and then holler Finnley's name some more, while tapping his bowl to make noise. Still no signs of Finnley...

Now, it's 7 o clock and I'm supposed to be at work NOW and I'm still home. I then walked outside one more time to call his name, he comes and appears but just stairs at me. This is the beginning of the chase. I get into the car and call his name to see if he would come, he did not. I went back into the house and got his bowl of food and tried bating him with food...did not work. Then I dug into my meager lunch I packed for myself and tried using a little piece of chicken to bate him....He would eat the food but then run around and look at me like I was playing a game. My patience was running very thin and I was so late to work it wasn't even funny. All this chasing and running around took a half hour, when I was able to grab him and pin him down in the mud, getting my clothes and new silk shoes muddy. I scraped my hand on a sharp rock...I then held on to the fur of his neck to pull him along towards the house. I scramble around my huge purse to find the house keys. I left the keys inside the house when I had to go back inside and get the food. Now I'm locked out, but I decided to place the dog on the deck which is gated. I hurry back to my car (which is still running) and jet to work. I then walk into a very depressing atmosphere and here call bells all day behind my desk. It's this loud alarm that goes off any time a resident pulls a cord.

This is my morning!! I just feel like crying...I feel so overwhelmed...

All I know is this needs to stop! The number one change is leaving this job and either getting into nursing school or finding another place to work. I can't stand it here...the place is awful and depressing. They are under staffed, workers underpaid, pitiful looking residents who are barely taken care of, disgusting furniture with urine stains, dirty and stained floors, dirty diapers are disposed of in a trashcan with no lid in the main lobby bathroom, food is cafeteria quality...I could go on and on.

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my rant. This post isn't the most cheerful, but who can always be 100% cheerful? I try :(...but days like this really push me to my limit.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a while since I last posted, but felt the urge today to start my blogging again.

The weather is slowly starting to change. I feel Autumn creeping up on us and soon all the leaves will be bursting with beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. I love this time of year...smelling the wood and leaves burning in peoples stoves (including ours!), bundling up in cozy sweaters, wearing beautiful jackets, adorable hats, gloves and boots, seeing all the mums and pumpkins lining the steps of old pretty homes, coming home to one another in a warm home after being in the crisp cold, lighting candles, football games, pumpkin and apple pie...I could go on and on!

Am I sad the summer is coming to an end? I am a little! I will miss the pretty flowers and swimming in the river with Mike and Finnley. The summer did end on a kind of dramatic note. We've had a lot of terrible weather this past month. Hurricane Irene hit us really hard and we were victims of the storms wrath. Both of our cars were smashed by a huge tree in our backyard. They are now metal pancakes. So, we now have two "new" cars. A gorgeous dark blue 2003 Audi, which is all-wheel-drive. This is a MUST in the winter! My parents and sister are giving us the family car, which a navy blue Honda. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and neighbors supporting us and offering us help during this difficult time. Our good neighbors helped us tremendously by using their machines to chop down the huge fallen tree. They are all contractors and engineers so they have the tools and machines at hand. They cut the tree into huge log chunks which was then cut into smaller pieces. We are trucking through this disaster and we're slowly recovering. The backyard looks like a tornado hit!

Mikes good friends from high school, Omer and Carlos, came up to visit and help Mike split the wood that was chopped down by our neighbors. One of our neighbors, Mike (it's a good name!), lent us his log splitter, which splits logs into usable fire wood. Mike and his friends worked so hard lifting those heavy logs and splitting them. Omer brought an old fashioned axe that is his fathers, which they also used. I brought out water and made a nice lunch which kept their energy levels up. When they were finished, they were physically exhausted. I had a big dinner prepared and the guys ate so hardily. Thanks to all of their hard work, we now have all the firewood we need to keep us warm all winter. I can not thank them enough for helping us.