Thursday, December 31, 2009

On to the next chapter in my life...

As this year winds down and I prepare myself for 2010, I have come to realize how much has happened throughout 2009 and to reflect on the good and bad. I also think to myself how grateful I am for everything in my life and all of the wonderful people I am blessed to know and love. I never would have thought I would be in the position I am in today, content with life in all aspects. Although, this past year has transformed me in many ways, I am still the same person with the same values and personality ( you know, the kind of personality that laughs for no reason at all and acts like a complete dork). Since a lot has happened throughout this year, I thought it'd best if I list the highlights.

1. As many of you know, I worked on Wall Street at a small financial firm as an executive assistant, where my boss (not gonna go there) and environment was very stressful. Through that experience, I gained knowledge and perspective of what I wanted out of life which is to eventually become a teacher. It is interesting because I initially went to college for teacher education and changed my mind, eventually settling on a communication major. Life is funny like that, it will take you for a bumpy ride and sometimes that ride can leave you wondering where you're going but when you finally arrive to your destination it is well worth it. After leaving that job, I am no longer stressed and I can sleep at night which to me means a lot more than money or all of the gold in the world! I am currently in the process of looking into schools to apply for education courses and also for a part time or full time job that could provide me happiness with a stable income and benefits!

2. Meeting (or should I say, "reconnecting") the love of my life, Mike. As cliche as it sounds, fate brought us together in the most unusual way. We met and dated in high school for a little while and parted ways being that I was only a freshman and he was a junior which is a big age difference for that age bracket. Well ten years later, I was friends with Mike on Facebook and thought I would send him an instant message letting him know I was praying for his mother who was sick with cancer. I had no intention of meeting up with Mike or any interest in reconnecting in a romantic way, I was just being friendly and reaching out because I knew he was hurting. The next day, on my way home from work on the bus I saw Mike sitting a couple seats away from me. I thought to myself that this was just way too weird that we would be sitting on the same bus the day after I messaged him. Well, we ended up talking and when I got home I noticed that he messaged me to see if we would like to meet up and get together for dinner since we both lived in Teaneck. We ended up meeting up for a lovely dinner, where he took me to a great greek restaurant and afterwards went to go see a concert, Franz Ferdinand. I was so nervous, I didn't know what to expect! We had such a great time and enjoyed each others company so much. It almost felt like we were getting to know each other again as different and changed individuals...and boy did we enjoy our adult selves! I would never have guessed that I would fall in love or meet someone that would make me as happy as Mike does. Not too long after we reconnected, I moved in with Mike and it has been feels so natural and good. We definitely balance each other out in many ways, but I think the key thing between us is making each other laugh and sharing a sense of humor. It helps us get through tough times! Every day is a new and exciting adventure together and I know we can handle the good and bad.

3. Mike's mother passed away this Christmas. She had been battling cancer for three years and was so strong and persistent in beating the cancer. We had a chance to spend time with Louise for a month, helping her and cheering her up any way we could. When we first arrived, her spirits were low and you could tell she needed someone or something to give her a boost. Having Mike and I both down here and spending time with her helped her so much mentally and physically. All throughout the pain and struggle, Louise was able to smile through it all and share her time with Mike and I. It was a chance for Mike to emotionally connect with his mother in a way he has not in long time. It gave me the chance to get to know Louise better and bond with her as much as I could. She is such a beautiful person inside and out and I am blessed to have spent this time with her. It has been so painful for me to watch Mike and his brother Chris, Louise's parents and husband all suffer from the pain of losing a mother, daughter, and wife. As hard as this experience is, I know she is now at peace and is no longer in pain. I miss and love you Louise.

4. Celebrating my cousin and best friend Jennifer Nagel's engagement to Michael Miley. I am honored to be your maid of honor! The wedding is just around the corner and I couldn't be more psyched! I love you so much!

5. My sister Samantha just graduated from Drexel University. I am so proud of you Sam, and I love you with all my heart. You will always be my little sister <3

New Year Resolutions:

1. To start my education for teaching certification and excel within the coursework and focus on improving my academic work ethic.

2.I want to learn how to knit, scuba dive, drive stick shift, yoga and snow shoe.

3. Improving my health by eating less land meat and more fish and vegetables. Also incorporating more exercise into my daily routine like a brisk 30 min run outside or a session on the elliptical each day.

4. Learning how to let others help me and that it's okay to need help from someone else. I have a hard time asking for help since I have always tried my best to be independent and thought asking for help was a sign of weakness. I am slowly learning how to overcome this and realizing that getting help from others is not a sign of weakness but rather shows insight in knowing how to accomplish my goals.

5. To work on my friendships and stay in touch with the people who I love. I know that certain friendships have changed over time, which to me is upsetting but rather an indication that people change and life changes which alters friendships. Although certain friendships have changed, I would still like to work on keeping in touch so we always stay connected no matter how different we are now. I would like to work on visiting my grandma and nana more, although it is definitely a challenge since we live so far away from each other. I would also like to visit Jenny in Connecticut more. Not only is she my best friend, but also my cousin. I would also like to stay in touch and visit my sister Samantha more. I love and miss her so much, and she is also one of my best friends. My parents live in the same town as Mike and I do, and there is no excuse for not spending more time with them.

6. To start reading more and actually know, the entire book! I usually will start a book and not finish which I want to change.

7. To start dedicating time for my painting and drawing. I find that trying to force or cram my painting and drawing sessions in my schedule will only create more stress. I would like to carve out a huge amount of time in my schedule just dedicated to my artwork, where I can relax and meditate my mind. Painting and drawing are definitely passions of mine and I want to utilize my talent to the maximum capacity

8. To eventually get a kitten :) Mike already has some idea, but hopefully now that we have an idea of where we will be living hopefully I can convince Mike...tehehe ; )